#5: A Business Plan Really Makes You Think: What? Who? Why? How?

bizplan-11.     What is your product?

2.     Who is going to purchase it?

3.     Why would they purchase it?

4.     How are you going to reach them?

I researched different approaches to creating a viable business plan. Having an overachiever personality, I wanted to make sure I hit the mark just right; therefore, I took a B2B Communications course at the local college highlighting the development of a Business Plan (received an A+). That experience was a great benefit. The class expanded my vision of what would be seen from the “receiver’s” viewpoint. I extrapolated key points and created three versions:JNP-bizplans copy

•  a simple 6 page presentation (that I took to meetings as a vehicle to discuss the start-up);

•  a 20 page PowerPoint presentation (used in presentation feedback re the Mission); and,

•  a detailed draft for my full-blown plan (a beginning,  again, which still needed specifics).

A lot of work here…Phew!

The AAEDC (Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation) was an integral part in assisting me to set achievable goals in writing—fine tuning my full-blown business plan “draft.” I was mentored by a savvy marketing professional; we began to review the simple what, who, why and how questions. He pushed me to really “understand” and “see” what I wanted from my business—the exact what, who, why and how. It was so frustrating at a few points, I didn’t think I could pull it together as successful business idea—but, I did!!

The process was painful, and in the end, I got to “know” my business. What I wanted it to do, and a path to start down to get there.

My business plan is a growing, living thing. It really sets the stage for positive actions steps.


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Note: This Blog is a chronological diary of a start-up-company—The JNP Project’s Journey—reading it from the start, will broaden your understanding of the path we are on, together, and hopefully, positively influence you in some way!

FYI Tip:
Begin your first round of a draft very simply (article link). This is one simple approach to start with; but,
If your business is a bit broader and complex, details need to be extrapolated.

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