Developing your “state of being” just as you developed your business plan, will lead you down the path of success–commit to you goal.

Developing your “state of being” just as you developed your business plan, will lead you down the path of success–commit to you goal.
Corporate identity can springboard in palette consistency.
“‘I am. I can. I will.’ is so powerful. This needs to be incorporated… everywhere!” said Joe Van Deuren of Balanced Life Skills. “If a kid says ‘I am…’ they are. If you tell a kid ‘you are…’ they will be. They become that because they’ve been told that.”
Choosing the ‘style’ of your website is directed by the amenities you need, want, desire, and can actually handle. The JNP site needed to be interactive on many levels. First I began with my list of desired amenities for the site: – Ability to edit 24/7 • editing to be done by myself and a […]
Writing Team assembled—now, start with the outline of responsibilities and expectations.
YES, in a big way! I need to break format (as this Blog is a chronological story of my JNP Journey) to give a real-time shout out—THANK YOU! TO ALL JNP TEAMS—and share some comments that are not only moving (in a very elated way), but also make me tremendously proud of this fantastic group […]
So what separates you from the rest? Hard work. Work. Work. Work. Yes, it does! I do read the articles that talk about the philosophy of the smart, successful businessperson that takes off on weekends, makes sure they sleep enough, and takes time to stop to smell the roses. I can agree with a part […]
JNP WON! — Best Business Start-Up! at The Annapolis $5 Soup — a great way to practice your presentation in front of a live audience and get validated [potential customer] feedback. Through my local networking, I meet two professionals that were promoting and supporting the evolution of local start-up businesses. They have a monthly event […]
Based on my Business Plan (yes, get your BP in order!) I needed a full-circle of professional talent to support the goals of getting JNP to market. Not only my professional background has given me the skills to fill a lot of the spots on the Teams, but also the fact that we developed a […]
A chapter-book series… oh, but much more than just a series of stories. Adventure stories that could entertain, enlighten and shed colorful light onto the wonderful inner awesome that is within each of us. Fun for kids, and adults too, I needed to develop a full-circle of stories that had meaning, a lesson, and rewards […]
CONTACT Us Directly: Dona Rudderow Sturn | | 3 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401 | 410-224-3878