It was my pleasure to represent JNP as an “EMPOWERMENT” Motivational Speaker!

Thanks! to Joan Duryee, M.Ed, NCC, 8th Grade Professional School Counselor/Dept. Chair, Marley Middle School, for inviting me to speak to their 100+ attendees at their Girls Night Out event!

The event was to bring together: parents, students and faculty, in a casual environment of fun volleyball competitions, pizza and esteem! I did speak about self-esteem, character and pride.

I was approached by by several parents and teachers afterwards, acknowledging that I did “reach” the kids, and the content of my message was on-target! I appreciated the feedback, very much.

So why would this group listen to “me?” Because I spoke with the counselor, a teacher, and the school Principal, Mr. Kevin Buckley, about the background of the kids: their demographic, family life, and interest in education. Principal Buckley’s continued mantra to the kids is, “Find ‘your thing’ and do it well!” I was inspired by that.

I then pulled from my personal experiences and upbringing, and spoke from the heart. Encouraging the kids to stay in school. Continue on with education. Focus on the “me” of themselves, and make the right choices from their inner awesome like Jane and Jake are learning to do (story base from our series, Jane & Jake’s Adventures to Awesome). I left them with smiling faces, and the “challenge” to do something good for themselves AND others–they took the challenge!

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Some of the kids representing that the ENTIRE SCHOOL took the Boomerang It! Challenge!! Thanks, Joan (second from right holding boomerang), and Principal Buckley (to my right in the back row), for their energy and support in getting the kids empowered!!

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