The process was painful, and in the end, I got to “know” my business. What I wanted it to do, and a path to start down to get there.

The process was painful, and in the end, I got to “know” my business. What I wanted it to do, and a path to start down to get there.
After reviewing and contemplating the great response from kids, and parent too, on the initial [brand testing] release, I was certain that an animation series for kids television would be a cinch—the characters were so well loved, and the education of self-esteem a no-brainer!
WOW! I was blind-sided… “what about the boys?!?” was the question at every live appearance (as I was often dressed as the Mermaid Princess character in the initial storybook) on: television, in-person mall readings; library story-time readings, B2B marketing events (NYC Toy Fair, Atlanta Toy Fair, Chicago Book Fair), parades, and speaking events at schools.
The Faces of Inner Awesome—a pretty good idea… so what do you do with a good idea?
This is when The JNP Project was born. The understanding of what makes up the faces our inner awesome.
CONTACT Us Directly: Dona Rudderow Sturn | | 3 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401 | 410-224-3878