GIRLS BREAKING BOUNDARIES: FIELD TRIP TO THE JNP INNER AWESOME FACTORY — Discovering Superpowers and Stomping Out Bullying! OCTOBER WAS BULLYING AWARENESS MONTH — GIRLS BREAKING BOUNDARIES at Bates Middle School in Annapolis have been learning how to discover their own inner-awesome superpowers! — And, that promotes NO MORE BULLYING! Join Jane, Jake and […]
2015: December 8, 2015 — Positive Negatives PUBLIC EVENT Sponsoring JNP 2015 Gift Giving Kids’ Campaign David Blecman/Positive Negatives teaches photography and supports kids’ self-esteem!
INNER AWESOME SUPERPOWERS “are” kids shield against BULLYING! OCTOBER WAS NATIONAL BULLYING AWARENESS MONTH — GIRLS BREAKING BOUNDARIES at Bates Middle School in Annapolis are learning how to discover their own inner-awesome superpowers! — And, that promotes NO MORE BULLYING! My presentation to the 6th, 7th, 8th graders about “I AM –––?” — they began […]
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. JNP is right with that! To clarify, The JNP Project’s (Jane NOT Plain) mission is not simply “no bullying” — it is much more — we are about creating products and gathering and sharing data and resources; all which is created to nurture character, courage, and confidence in all […]
Creating video is not as intimidating as one may think. For me, professional image (quality video) is paramount; proper art direction, lighting, sound, content and quality of the final result in editing. Sizable budgets offer up best results, but when budgets are tight, what are the options? With any start-up (yes, like JNP too), budgets […]
My business mentor came across a for-profit pitch investment opportunity which required a presentation pitch video in the application. I was apprehensive about doing a video, because this quarter’s budget did not have allocations for video pitches. To save money, I shot it myself with my iPhone 6, and edited it in iMovie on a […]
The JNP Project™ worked very hard to PITCH to Chase’s Mission Main Street $100,000 Grant opportunity — we were not successful in winning the for-profit business monies, BUT, we were successful in gaining exposure and excitement about JNP!
#5 of the Five Strategies of The Virtues Project details click here 5. Offer Companioning Being deeply present and listening with compassionate curiosity guides others to find clarity and to create their own solutions. How well do you listen to others, to yourself? What really needs to be heard? Core Values (Character) & Virtues–are they […]
#4 of the Five Strategies of The Virtues Project: 4. Honor the Spirit We sustain our vision and purpose by integrating virtues into our activities, surrounds, celebrations and the arts. How do you honor your personal spirit and the spirit of your group?