#20: The Brand Vision—It’s Not A Mission Statement

A Brand’s Vision should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up!


How does that make you feel?

JNP_ME-Icon-TransparentMyself, our Teams, and The Advisory Committee got all goose-pimply when discussing our vision; yes, we all met again, and we reviewed and fleshed out the original passion for JNP—out of the discussions was born the Brand Vision for The JNP Project.™

The discussion was so energized and exciting.

“‘I am. I can. I will.’ is so powerful. This needs to be incorporated… everywhere!” said Joe Van Deuren of Balanced Life Skills. “If a kid says ‘I am…’ they are. If you tell a kid ‘you are…’ they will be. They become that because they’ve been told that.”

It all starts with “Me!” As discussed in the first Founder’s Blog post, The JNP Project was born from learning what “it” is that defines “who” you are as a person — and then, own it! The brand vision encompasses this journey. Who am I? What can I accomplish? Who will I be? You’ve achieved your confidence when you answer all these questions: I am, can, and will be empowered!

What is a brand vision?

The brand vision is the ultimate strategic goal of a brand. The vision is the change or affect the brand hopes to create in the world. Vera D. Torrence, educational leader with New Leaders™, explained, “The vision always comes first. A mission tells you how you’re going to achieve your vision.” The philosophy defines the organization’s beliefs, demonstrating the importance of the vision’s success. Together, these statements form a plan to organize teams and allocate resources in order to reach our mission: the growth of self-confidence in boys and girls through positive empowerment.

Why this statement?

This powerful phrase has been a repeated mantra since the Project’s inception. Originally, the phrase was “I am? I can. I will!”—showing a growth in understanding with each declaration.

The committee debated the question mark. Bob Reedy, children’s television programming director, suggested, “They should all be declarative statements.”

With the changes proposed by the Advisory Committee, “I am. I can. I will.” is a statement of intention and action words. Empowerment isn’t a passive endeavor, it is something you actively seek and achieve. As Oracle says, you are the conductor of your own feelings. You are the leader of the journey to find your inner awesome, and isn’t that an empowering thought?

The vision of The JNP Project is that every child will have the confidence and tools to take that journey. With their parents and educators, Jane, Jake, and Oracle as their guide, kids will achieve confidence and esteem so they can own a world that needs their unique and individual perspective.


There is an awesome journey waiting in those words. And, the achievement is a stand-up person with self-esteem and life-long confidence.

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cinch_pack-v6-FINAL-PMS-BlueThe JNP Brand Vision

The JNP Brand Spirit
Discovering your inner awesome is positively empowering!

The JNP Mission Statement
The JNP Project™ is a positive self-esteem movement that promotes the growth of self-confidence in boys and girls by helping them discover and make choices from their inner awesome!

The JNP Mission Action
Fun and interactive media such as: an educational interactive eBook story series, interactive APPs, and short animated stories, with accompanying toys, accessories, and parent and teacher resource lesson kits, make The JNP ProjectTM positively empowering for you!

The JNP Mission Philosophy
The World Needs You! Own It.™

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Note: This Blog is a chronological diary of a start-up-company—The JNP Project’s Journey—reading it from the start, will broaden your understanding of the path we are on, together, and hopefully, positively influence you in some way!

FYI Tip: I so agree: Elements of a Strong Brand Vision…

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